z and i discussed how to attack the fair situation, since there was also another one in recoleta that we wanted to visit. i proposed visiting san telmo early in the week, to check out the scene (since it seemed there was a smaller version of it held every other day of the week) and if it was really worthwhile, we'd return on sunday, but if not, we'd be free to check out others.
and so...day 2...
san telmo was quiet and pretty--not the chaotic, borderline "dangerous" scene they describe sundays to be--and all the stores were open for business. calle defensa seems to be the heart of things.
i was pleasantly surprised to find that san telmo wasn't exclusively devoted to antiques. there's a nice blend of funky/cool and refined, with a range of price points...there are small designer boutiques--mostly argentinian, not many international brands--and indie/eco design stores.
at galeria la candelaria:

i'm not in the market for any antiques. though, i have a particular weakness for vintage movie posters, and my walls really could use something...anyway, found many to admire (at a cute little store, owned by elsa lionti and norberto sanchez, which will merit a separate post)...

further down on calle defensa, behind a door frame so unassuming i almost missed it, is the mercado municipal, an indoor food market that dates back to the 1890s. it's one of the few of its kind left in BA. during the hour i was there, many stalls were closed, but i hope you get the idea...

there are also stalls for non-food items. vintage goods that are more my speed, like old postcards and again, movie stuff: