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AMO the ARG: crossing borders (day 1, recoleta to palermo)

armed with 2 maps, z and i made our way went in search of a store she heard about that sold "the best tango shoes." we never found that store, but discovered our way from recoleta to palermo soho (i guess that's called, accidentally on purpose?)

in recoleta:
there are flower stands on many a corner...

and fruit stands too (i particularly liked their nectarines...)

the mall (with starbucks and a tgi fridays, no less) was within walking distance

z, pulling a a typical new york move, in BA

z, in front of an armenian-owned music shop

and palermo soho...

eco pampa is a newly opened hostel in palermo...(read more here)

the shops in palermo soho reminded me of venice, california...

it was nightfall, but i couldn't leave palermo without snapping a photo of jorge luis borges' house...

all photos © anita aguilar