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testing testing, the sigma 50mm on the CT set

ah, i remember this shoot day well. i'd just purchased the sigma 50mm and brought it to the set for the first time. these photos are vastly different from the others-- new lens in a new space (a loft in tribeca). i didn't know how to properly adjust for the light there, but still, i think these tinty pics are ok.

molly (in green) and renee.
i love molly...
we met for the first time on the shoot, and we've run into each other a bunch of times in the city.
she is the lead singer of rooftops. i'm hoping to catch their next show...

molly, renee, lauren, and felicia.

lauren. miss lauren. i love her, too.

lauren and molly. different light here--it was night time by the time we shot this.
we set up spots to create an indoor "party" scene.

lauren and molly. this was their reaction when i told them i sort of stalked scott speedman. once.
(i just followed him for a few blocks in the street. ha.

mike. guess what? love him!

random, mickey mouse/star wars doodad on someone's desk at the office. but it was the first shot i took that really showed off the nice "blur" that you can get with the 50mm.

more chaos theory stills here, and the "peaches and herb" episode.

all photos © anita aguilar for phoebeworks productions/chaos theory