i have probably been the biggest beneficiary, as her passion and skill for jewelry-making have grown. for the last several years, for any occasion, she has shared her gift with me--literally. i'm always overwhelmed, not just because each piece is beautiful, but because "she" is in every one: her taste and sensibility--bold, yet refined and impeccable--balanced with thoughtfulness of what i would like. and each reflects the determination that she applies to learning and perfecting the craft.
i hope you'll visit her new blog. i'll be posting updates, of course, and i'll keep a link to it on the side bar, along with all the other folks that continue to inspire me.
i've undertaken a little photo-experimenting with the pieces she's made for me. she liked a couple of them, so you'll find them at sheena925. but here are outtakes:

back when we were in high school, my cousin jojo created a collage for me, which still hangs in my bedroom at my parents' house, and which i've used for the last few years as my online "identity." it is so much nicer and more artful than any photo i would have picked.
but i came home a couple of weeks ago to a wonderful surprise--a new painting (which is now my profile picture everywhere online). i hope it's not horribly vain and wrong of me to love this as much as a i do. (forgive me, if so.) but as i told him, that's me now, but on my best day, and exactly how i'd want to portray myself to others. big thank you hug to him for the new "me."

painting by jojo aguilar
he's another amazing talent in my family. visit his blog to see more of his work (also perma-linked on the sidebar). funny, he's got his resume up there as a post, so you can see the long list of animation projects to his credit.