it's picture/poem time again.

i've never been sure about this picture, but i liked something about the window setup (at a men's retail clothing store in nolita) immediately as i strolled by. i like the uneven edges of the cross, staked behind the little desert plant, though the crack in the glass adds the real interest.
in searching for a poem, i avoided anything about "a cross" -- not interested in that kind of deep, for here and now. but i looked for poems about signs, symbols.
this one is clever and nice and even if it doesn't work here, i hope you like reading it.
"apostrophe to the apostrophe"
small floater, you stay above the fray,
a wink at nothing's nod, a raised brow
watching p's and q's, a selfless mote
between I and m, a little horn of plenty
spilling plurals, disdaining the bottom line.
unlike your twin relatives—groupies of wit
and wisdom, hangers on in the smallest talk—
you work alone, dark of a crescent moon.
laboring in obscurity, you never ask why,
never exclaim, never tell anyone where to go.
caught up between extremes, you are both
a turning away and a stepping forth,
a loss and an addition. you are the urge
to possess everything, and the sure sign
that something is missing.
--by eric nelson, via the poetry foundation
this is an excerpt from one i found last night.
had a change of heart about offering this one, in part because i just don't get it. but like these lines.
"as" cathedral gives way to cavern
and cookie cutter gives way to cookie
and the rookies give way to the All-Blacks
and the shad give way to the smoke shed
and the roughshod give way to the Black Horse avern
that still rings true
despite that T being missing from its sign
where a little nook gives way to a little nookie
when I give way to you...
(you know he got me with "cookie" and "nookie," right?)
read the full poem, "as" by new yorker poetry editor, paul muldoon...and if you're like me, you'll be googling finn maccool, i am curious (yellow) and (blue), and all-blacks.
if you get it all, please share
happy friday