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paris postcard: roland garros, a favorite post and a favorite kid

one of my favorites of steve's paris reports is sunday at suzanne's because it gives you a vivid, cinematic glimpse into the drama and distractions at grand slam matches. there's plenty of both, to be sure...

and while i wouldn't call it a distraction, i admit that during a late afternoon mixed-doubles affair last saturday, the most memorable on-court action (imo) came courtesy of one of the ballkids.

i tried to make some good stills, but could only capture a few before the crew's shift-change...

she starts "the roll" with a real bent arm but then seems to sort of side arm it (i can't fathom how she gets the ball to move so arrow-straight) and after the ball leaves her hand she half-pirouettes, slides and hits a quick "jazz pose" before scampering back to her appointed post. she has the same purposeful look of all the RG ballkids, but real flair, too. completely adorable.

photos taken on may 28, 2011
© anita aguilar