a floating screening, part of the rooftop films series. august 29, 2005. photo by sylvia plachy via thenewyorker.com
every week, when the new yorker arrives in the mail, the first thing i look at is...
the critics section. but the second thing i look at is the photo that opens the "goings on about town" section. and i admire. and dream...
elisabeth biondi, who has been the "visuals editor" since 1996, a couple of years after photography first started appearing in the magazine, is leaving to pursue curatorial projects.
the new yorker put together a tribute and slideshow, highlighting her favorites. i haven't pulled together my actual new yorker favorites yet (that should be a fun exercise) but i have loved sylvia plachy's work...and her book's been on my wish list for a while. have a look at the small selection here.
i'll leave you with these tonight...
“Jomama Jones * Radiate,”/Daniel Alexander Jones. photographed by Lisa Kereszi. via the newyorker.com
“new york city, 1953,” by elliott erwitt’s, which was part of a wonderful exhibition that i actually caught at the edwynn houk gallery a couple of years ago.via the newyorker.com
carla bruni and comtesse jacqueline de ribes, in venice, italy. photo by jean pigozzi. 1991. via the newyorker.com