if someone were to grade my navigating and co-piloting skills, i think i'd rate a solid, all-around B...plus?
high marks for map-reading and general calm.
very good at assessing the snack and drink situation, and "the hand-off" (as co-pilot).
but--distractible. that messes up my average.
it's a different thing when it comes to traveling by bus, especially to new jersey. i seem to find new, inventive ways to get myself lost.
this both amuses and horrifies my family, since new jersey is my home state. but i contend that the route looks different from day to night, and season to season. the homes look, if not the exactly the same, similar enough--or it's a good bet that trees have been felled or what i have chosen as my "landmark" has been razed and replaced, or expanded, mcmansion-style, beyond recognition (at least, within the few seconds it takes to see it and process what it is, before i pass it).
last year, on my way to a dentist appointment, i panicked--got off far too early. i made my way there fine on foot (i am a good new yorker that way), but i was late. what i didn't know was after i declined my dr's kind offer to pick me up on the boulevard, he sent his assistant out in her car to come find me (i beat her back to the office). the family loved that one.
yesterday, all went according to plan. i braved the still strange route without (much) panic, and even timed it perfectly. so no good stories, but i have pictures (it took for-ev-er to get home)...
"bus stop, wet day"
the mills bakery! i have never been, but i love the sign. when i see the sign, i know where i am (for a little while)
oof, the turnpike.
photos © anita aguilar