the attendance at last night's art opening was robust, and i was surprised.
it was fun to participate in something that could elicit such an immediate and explicit reaction. as we traversed the room slowly, as a "flash mob," i could hear some wows and giggles (no applause). many wondered if we were really taking pictures.
a few folks wandered into our frame, some scampered out.
some refused to move out of our way--we were instructed to push through them, and we obeyed.
some posed (for our cameras, and their own). and we became the subject for some photographers and videographers. one person said we sounded like swarm of insects. the second time around, i heard one woman say the idea was already tired. if that's true for others, good thing we only had to do it three times.
i did actually take a few photos, but for the most part, we shot without cards.
we couldn't have sustained camera and flash power for what was effectively 15 minutes of non-stop shooting otherwise.

apparently there was a critic from ny mag there, so perhaps i'll have a review to post later, along with a short video from the artist.