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CHAOS: christmas and the hard luck kid

the holiday episode--christmas and the hard luck kid--is live. this one has some of the usual chaos (use the mace! use the mace!), but it has warm and wistful moments, too.

i just went through the stills--shot on 3 different days this fall. it seems like so long ago.

my hope is that the photos will start to provide, apart from a view of the production, a sense of who the actors and producers are. i loved watching everyone play, plot, and choreograph, work through lines and angles and action, but i loved the quiet moments too--how they look at each other, how they watch, how they listen. i tried for those...

ms. jessica, as dena.

paul and lauren (stewart and jess)

ms. cara (sarah)

maestro mike

oh, and me, in a favorite shirt.

here's a link to the full set aaaand...the episode.


all photos © anita aguilar