thanks to the inventive mind and high-fructose palate of christina tosi,
nyc. march 21, 2009.
my new favorite cookie is a perfectly crazy union of sweet/salty, chewy/crunchy, "blondie"and "brownie". it's rich and altogether cloying. it's not for the timid.
i brought some home and asked my dad what he thought.
i barely started wowing him with the list of ingredients (potato chips! pretzels!) before he declared, good!
since he's a man of few words, i didn't think i'd get much more than that (and maybe an approving nod) out of him. he's decidedly no nonsense about food (as he is with everything, really). and while he's definitely of the "you can eat everything in moderation" school, he's not at all a fan of "junk food." i had been curious to know what he'd make of this debaucherous little experiment.
after a few more quick bites, he asked me to recite the ingredients again:
coffee grounds.
potato chips.
coffee grounds.
potato chips.
chocolate chips.
butterscotch chips...
chocolate chips.
butterscotch chips...
i watched his brows start to wrinkle and i thought, uh-oh, he gonna balk...
then he laughed, "puro junk, eh (it's all junk)! that's why it's so good!"
he tossed back the last bite, and clapped the crumbs from his hands.